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9 Food Stains and How to Remove Them

A kitchen counter with food stains


Removing food stains at home can be a daunting task. It may be a great idea to just get help from cleaning professionals, but sometimes you just want to try to do something about it first. With these tips and tricks in this article, it will be easier to get rid of these 9 types of food stains.


First, rinse the fabric with the curry stain with lukewarm water and then rub the stain with spirit or spirit. Then rinse the fabric again with warm water. Please only dab sensitive fabrics with curry stains (e.g. wool or silk). Then wash as usual. If the curry stain does not give way even with spirit or spirit, glycerin or cologne can also help. This must work in the fabric for 30 minutes. Then rinse with water.


To remove egg yolk stains you should apply a thick layer of salt and let it dry. This dries out the yolk and you can then simply brush out the stain. Then dab the treated area with cold water and wash. Here you can also use soapy water. If the egg yolk stain is particularly persistent, you should use pure alcohol for washing. Then you can wash the fabric as usual.


If the ice cream stain has already dried, then you can dissolve the dirt cold and then wash the fabric according to the instructions. For fresh ice cream stains, dab with a cloth beforehand. Then rinse with lukewarm water and wash as directed. A stain remover can also be helpful here.


Removing protein stains is not difficult. Simply wash cold and then wash as usual. Sometimes even a simple stain remover helps. Here, however, you should make sure that the stain remover does not act too long and dries. A maximum of 10 minutes of action time is sufficient.


Removing honey stains is, despite the sticky consistency, easier than you think. If you’re fast. As a pre-treatment, rinse the fabric with the honey stain in lukewarm water and then wash it out in a washing liquor. If warm water is not sufficient, the stain can be treated with liquid detergent. Do not rub too much on the dirty area so as not to damage the tissue. Alternatively, curd soap is a lukewarm soda solution with which you simply wash out the honey stain.


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Milk porridge stains are easiest to remove if they have already dried a bit. Then the milk porridge stain can be easily removed with a clean knife. Then you should wash the fabric with an enzyme-containing detergent. The enzymes in the detergent dissolve the protein in the milk and the substance becomes radiantly pure again.


Jam stains are very easy to remove. So don’t panic if breakfast lands on your pants. Simply soak the fabric in lukewarm water and wash as usual. If necessary, the jam stain can be treated with methylated spirits after washing. Light dabbing should be sufficient here.


Spinach stains can be dealt with another food. Potatoes contain fat-dissolving substances and can help very well here. Simply cut open a potato and rub the spinach stain with it. Then rinse the stain with lukewarm water and then again with warm soapy water. For stubborn stains, simply repeat the procedure. Since spinach stains often occur in a team with other stains, such as cream, you should apply a mild detergent to the stain before rubbing the potato (please do not eat the potato afterward!). Then wash the fabric normally.


Tomato stains should be treated with very simple home remedies before putting the fabric in the washing machine. So you can put soapy water, ammonia, vinegar essence, or simply mineral water on a cloth and dab the toamtenfleck with it. Attention: Do not rub, this makes things worse. It is best to treat the tomato stain with warm soapy water. Alternatively, you can treat the stain with a liquid detergent before the actual wash. Then put the fabric in the laundry and the stain is gone.
