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Success With Detoxification: Diet Change

Who hasn’t at least once thought about a radical change in their diet? “Starting tomorrow I will only eat healthy” is easy to say, but in practice it is quite a challenge. This also applies with addiction to drugs and alcohol. It’s easy to say that you are going to quit but difficult to do.

The necessary knowledge to properly tackle a change in diet is often lacking. In the best case, a successful start begins with a detoxification. Specialists at detox phoenix az can treat the causes. They believe that treating the causes is the starting point to the road to recovery.

Changing your diet: success with detoxification

A change in diet can have many reasons. Some would like to eat a little less meat and more fruit and vegetables. The others want to give up meat entirely and switch to veganism. Vegan diet can be quite complicated, since you not only have to completely avoid meat, but also eggs and dairy products. Becoming a vegetarian, on the other hand, is comparatively easy and can be achieved with a little perseverance and following a few useful tips.

But no matter which diet you choose, a change should always start with a detox if possible. After four to six weeks of detoxification, a change in diet should be noticeably faster and easier.

Incidentally, “detoxification” does not mean that you literally have poison in your body. The term is only intended to indicate that things that unnecessarily burden the body are initially omitted or replaced, similar to fasting.

Detox successfully

An unhealthy lifestyle, stress and harmful environmental influences can burden your body with toxins. This can cause symptoms such as fatigue, digestive problems, a feeling of fullness and irritability.

Detoxification helps the body rid itself of harmful substances. Not only the intestines are detoxified, but also the kidneys, liver and skin. During the detoxification phase, it is important to drink plenty of fluids. Still mineral water, herbal teas and warm water are the first choice. Carbonated drinks should be avoided completely during this time. Fruit and vegetable juices can also support the detoxification process if they are diluted.

In order to supply the intestines with important roughage, sufficient legumes, cereals, vegetables and fruit should be consumed during detoxification. Carrots, turnips, cabbage, celery, cucumbers, spinach and onions, for example, are suitable for balancing the body’s acid-base balance.

Forbidden foods during this time include caffeine, yeast, alcohol, and chocolate. These foods should only be consumed in moderation after the detox. In order to successfully eliminate toxins from the body, the consumption of herbs and wild plants can be useful.
